Sep 07,2023 by socialshop
Empowering Breast Health: Embrace the Pink Ribbon Movement
Breast cancer - is one of the biggest health concerns mainly for women. It is a disease that is deadly and devasting which is why breast cancers have been ranked among the deadliest forms of cancer worldwide for so many years. With an estimated 2.3 million cases every year, the survival depends on the type and severity of the disease. While the disease can be diagnosed individually most of the time, it leaves ever-lasting effects on patients, their families, the people around them, and eventually the entire society. According to a survey, approximately, half of the people diagnosed with breast cancer are women whereas 0.5-1 percent of men also fail to escape this fatal disease.
In the following article, we will explore all about why breast cancer is a significant global concern specifically for women, its risk factors, why is it important to support the pink ribbon products, and the vital role of pink ribbon in spreading awareness of breast cancer.
Statistics to Underscore the Significance of Early Detection and Prevention
It has been years since breast cancer status is considered one of the most common malignancies affecting women and is a global health concern. The way it impacts a woman's life, its prevalence, and other implications give us a clear overview of why regularly checking for the disease would result in early detection and better treatment, prevention, and support is necessary to save one's life. Researchers are continuously making efforts in research work so the women and men diagnosed with this fatal disease can be given an improved outlook and thus, will result in a reduced global impact and give a more detailed outlook on the necessities one should implement in their life to prevent this disease.
There is great significance in detecting the disease and implementing the ways in one's life. Let’s take a look at a few of the statistics that underscore their importance:
1. Incidence Reduction
The survival rate of diseases such as cancer surely depends on how severe the disease is and the stage. Early detection eventually means better treatment and cure. Moreover, a healthy and balanced lifestyle can play a pivotal role in decreasing the number of incidents that occur because of Breast cancer. An example of how early detection and prevention can impact the mortality rate is the United States, where the National Cancer Institute stated that the mortality rate declined by approximately 1.3 percent from 2012 to 2016.
2. Global Impact
In the United Kingdom, a decrease of 30 percent in deaths has been observed since the 1990s, and the sole reason behind this was the timely detection of Breast cancer. Breast cancer being a leading cause of fear and death in females is not a societal issue, but it has globally taken over. However, to reduce this impact worldwide a few simple actions should be implemented be it amongst women or men. Early detection, timely treatments, and spreading the right information are three major factors that can contribute to this.
3. Improved Survival Rates
By what the American Cancer Society states, when a disease like breast cancer is detected at a localized stage (early stage), which means it hasn’t spread beyond the breast, there is an increased survival rate i.e. 99 percent of the time it is 5 years or more. However, for people who are at an advanced stage i.e. stage 2 or beyond the percentage of such patients gets major fall to only 27 percent of the patients who live for 5 years or more.
4. Age and Early Detection
Age is a factor that plays a consequential role in the early detection of cancer, particularly breast cancer as people age, their cells go through changes and it is more likely for an aged person to highly get affected by this disease. The American Cancer Society has stated that breast cancer is comparatively rare among women who are under 40 years of age however, the importance of regular screenings should be highlighted.
5. Genetic Testing
Genetic testing especially for women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations can timely take measures such as genetic testing to reduce the risk of them contracting hereditary breast cancer. Even if they have been diagnosed already, early treatment e.g. risk-reducing surgeries can play an important role in saving lives. Thus, genetic testing is surely an essential tool for the identification of individuals with a higher risk of getting breast cancer.
6. Global Awareness
Spreading awareness regarding breast cancer through campaigns, dignity walks, and taking other initiatives, especially during breast cancer awareness month can play an integral role in encouraging women to self-examine themselves regularly, and get regular checkups, and mammograms.
Risk Factors of Breast Cancer
Various factors get people to contract this complex disease. A combination of genetics, lifestyle factors, and the environment are three major factors. Though, a few factors are not under control we as a community can surely work towards it by spreading awareness and empowering women to take steps so breast cancer can be prevented and early detection can take place. Knowing the various breast cancer risk factors and informing individuals regarding taking preventative measures can make a huge difference globally. Now, let’s take a look at the risk factors of Breast cancer:
1. Age
Age is a significant factor when it comes to breast cancer. People who are over 50 years old specifically women are more likely to get Breast cancer however, people of all ages should be vigilant and should regularly self-examine themselves. Getting regular screenings is also suggested.
2. Family History
Having a family history of people being with breast cancer eventually means an elevated risk. This could link to your mother, sister, daughter, or any other blood relation. Women who are aware of their family history with breast cancer patients are suggested to go for genetic counseling which will help them with taking preventative measures and will educate them about risk factors and the myths attached to this disease.
3. Genetics
Genetic mutations e.g. BRCA1 and BRCA2, increase the risk of one getting Breast cancer. Timely getting a diagnosis, going for genetic screening, and having regular checkups can identify these mutations, and can help women take proactive steps e.g. opting for a risk-reducing surgery or surveillance.
4. Hormones
Hormone-related factors e.g. mensuration at an earthly age, late menopause, or getting hormone replacement therapy can influence and increase the risk of Breast cancer. People who went for hormone replacement therapies e.g. for estrogen and progesterone are comparatively at higher risk. Thus, understanding these risks can lead to women making informed decisions.
5. Lifestyle Choices
Several lifestyle choices play an integral part in the contraction of breast cancer e.g. high alcohol consumption and low physical activity. Excessive alcohol consumption is a major factor that increases the risk of Breast cancer, thus, avoiding alcohol consumption is a preventative measure. Setting a goal for every day e.g. taking a set number of steps can lower the risk of contracting breast cancer. It is suggested to exercise for at least 150 minutes weekly. This would not just be a great step towards a healthy lifestyle but will also keep you protected from several fatal diseases. Moreover, many researches have proved that smoking is extremely injurious to health, and is linked to innumerable diseases including breast cancer.
Thus, quitting smoking eventually means better health. In addition to this, most of us are already aware of how important a balanced diet is yet we fail to make it a part of our lives. Make sure you have a diet rich in whole grains vegetables, and fruits.
Encouraging Preventative Measures
Having the right knowledge is surely the most powerful form of being empowered thus, understanding how you can prevent breast cancer is the first step you can take for yourself. There are a few proactive measures you should take to prevent being a cancer patient.
While we do so much to stay in good health, why not take an hour or two regularly to get yourself checked and screened especially if you have a family history of people being diagnosed with breast cancer or feel any change in your body that links to the disease? Regular checkups, screening, and mammograms mean early detection and treatment thus, a healthy you!
Adapting a healthy lifestyle is probably the first and most effective solution to all your health issues thus, maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, leaving unhealthy practices e.g. smoking and alcohol consumption and overall reducing the risk of breast cancer. In addition, if you see any significant changes in the appearance of your breast or notice a lump no matter what the size, know it's time to see a doctor. Hence, it concluded that regularly self-examining your breast can play a major role in noticing any changes promptly and getting treated. Most of you might not be aware, but if you’re a mom to infants, opting for regular breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast cancer as well.
Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Most people link breast cancer to having a noticeable lump however, this isn’t the case. While most people would have a breast lump, a few patients are diagnosed with breast cancer with no lump at all. Various other symptoms indicate an early stage of breast cancer.
Firstly, talking about the breast lump, you can examine your breasts from around your chest wall to your armpits for that. Breast pain, a change in the nipple size, or bleeding/ a discharge from the nipple are other major signs that can confirm breast cancer. If you have noticed swelling or redness in one of your breasts, it is also a clear sign of getting a screening done as soon as possible.
Listed below are other early symptoms of breast cancer:
- Change in breast color
- Itchy breasts
- Peeling of nipple skin
- Nodes felt on the inside of the breast
- Nipple retraction
- Thickening of breasts
While you can not diagnose yourself with breast cancer relying just on one symptom being noticed, if you have a concern with the changes in your breast area you should see a doctor without any delay. Many other factors contribute to the diagnosis other than just outward symptoms.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
In October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) is observed. It is an annual international health campaign and to spread awareness among both men and women and join hands in support of the patients, multiple initiatives are taken every year. BCAM was observed for the first time back in the 1980s when organizations and advocates started to work together. This campaign aimed to support the patients practically, and emotionally through support programs. Moreover, the campaign has played an integral role in spreading awareness regarding the symptoms and prevention of Breast cancer and also has been raising funds for research and cancer therapies.
Numerous initiatives are taken particularly in October globally. Awareness walks are held yearly which not only promotes a sense of community for the survivors and patients but also helps the organizations raise funds. Another great initiative, that a few healthcare organizations took was to offer free screenings and discounted mammograms.
Supporting Pink Ribbon Products
The pink ribbon campaign is now a universal symbol for breast cancer awareness. Every year, individuals wear pink clothing, and ribbon to show support.
Joining hands in helping Breast cancer patients is highly encouraged as what could be a better act than playing a role in saving someone's life? While you lend a helping hand to others, make sure to prioritize your breast health as well through regular examinations, and checkups!